Miguel Ribeiro

Found in Translation

That's why. Hamburg.

EURO 2024

Motion Design

Kultursommer Hamburg
Motion Design

Hamburg Queer

FC St.Pauli x Karl
Motion Design


Motion Design

UX/UI Design

The Sunscreen Club

Our Gaze

Grafic Design

Brand Design

QUER Magazin
Editorial Design

Untitled #1
Mixed Media

Leather Fairy Tales

Static x Dynamic
Grafic Design

About —
  1. I like the concept of concepting.

    Hello, my name is Miguel Ribeiro, I’m 26 years old and I live in Hamburg, Germany. I was born in Brazil. I’m into korean food, vintage clothes and sekt-mate. Among my top Spotify artists in 2023 are Queen, Rosalia and Kendrik Lamar. I speak fluently in front of hundreds but hate how I sound in voice messages. My grandmother has 22 siblings and the names of my five aunts all end with the letter E. My favorite phrase in a professional context is "solution oriented", but it still takes me 20 minutes to decide on a pizza.

    Oh, and I design.


4. Loren Eiseley

LE / 1957
From The Immense Journey

            A billion years have gone into the making of that eye; the water and the salt and the vapors of the sun have built it; things that squirmed in the tide silts have devised it. Light-year beyond light-year, deep beyond deep, the mind may rove by means of it, hanging above the bottomless and surveying impartially the state of matter in the white-dwarf suns.

Yet whenever I see a frog’s eye low in the water warily ogling the shoreward landscape, I always think inconsequentially of those twiddling mechanical eyes that mankind manipulates nightly from a thousand observatories. Someday, with a telescopic lens an acre in extent, we are going to see something not to out liking, some looming shape outside there across the great pond of space.
            Whenever I catch a frog’s eye I am aware of this, but I do not find it depressing. I stand quite still and try hard not to move or lift a hand since it would only frighten him. And standing thus it finally comes to me that this is the most enormous extension of vision of which life is capable: the projection of itself into other lives. This is the lonely magnificent power of humanity. It is, far more than any spatial adventure, the supreme epitome of the reaching out.